The Queen’s “guateque” party

Welcome to the Queen’s “Guateque” Party

a unique concert set in a 1960s themed party

with music from the 16th and 17th centuries.


In today’s Royal courts, public dances are no longer held (we’re still patiently waiting to see current members of the Royal Family bust some moves in public). Historically, however, dancing was the nobility’s main form of entertainment and one of the few occasions when it was possible to have physical contact with someone without provoking gossip and criticism.


Continuing the approach of uniting music with the stage, Windu presents a varied programme of music and choreography which ranges from slow, stately dances where the dancers’ feet will not leave the floor, to fast, lively dances with leaps and lifts. From the branle, the majestic pavana and the virtuoso galliard, to the cheerful saltarello and the sensual sarabande, there will be something for everyone with both simple and complicated choreography for pairs and groups demonstrated.


Renaissance dances were the first to be collected and recorded in manuscripts and manuals which included detailed instructions to perform the steps and movements of each type of dance. The audience will listen to instructions and perform the steps from the manual, “Il ballarino”, by the composer and dance teacher, Fabritio Caroso, as well as dances recorded by Thoinot Arbeau, a priest fascinated by dance and who published “Orchésographie” (1588), a catalogue of 34 dances for solemn banquets and appropriate gatherings. “The Dancing Master”, a compilation of 105 dances by John Playford, edited 18 times in 70 years (the number one hit of the early 17th century!), will also naturally feature.


Of course, the Spanish also danced… and not just a little! We will perform fresh and innovative arrangements of popular hits by five Spanish composers which would surely entertain members of Renaissance high society attending one of our “Guateque” 60s themed parties.
Windu goes one step further in its ambition to unite music and stage by presenting a show with wonderful music, an abundance of energy and playful humour – an unbeatable combination that will undoubtedly raise smiles, lift the audiences’ spirits, and encourage them to dance and enjoy life.



Let the show begin!



The Queen’s “Guateque” party begins!


Artistic team

RECORDERS: Eva Jornet, Marcel Leal, Iris Mañà i Moisés Maroto.


  • HARP: Iris Mañá
  • BASSON: Eva Jornet
  • PERCUSION: Dani Garay.
  • LIGHT DESIGN: Oriol Ibáñez.
  • STAGE DIRECTOR: Sergio Adillo.

Fabritio Caroso (1527-1535 – 1605) Il ballerino (1581)”: Laura Soave (dedicada a la Madama Christena Lorena de Medici, Duquesa de la Toscana)



John Dowland (1563-1626): The most sacred Queen Elizabeth, her Galiard

William Byrd (1540-1623): A Gigg

Claude Gervaise (1525-1583): Pavana “La venisienne”

Pierre Attaignant (1494-1551/2): Basse Dance

Michal Praetorius (1571-1621): Bransle de la Royne

Jacob Paix (1556-1623): Ballo Angelese



Henry VIII (1491-1547) Pastyme with good company

Hugh Ashton (c.1485-1558): Hugh Ashton’s maske

Antonio de Cabezón (1510-1566): Pavana con su glosa

Luis Milán (1500-1561): Pavana 6

Michael Praetorius (1571-1621):  Spagnoletta

Andrea Falconieri (1585-1656) : Passacalle

Robert Johnson (1582-1633): The temporizer

Santiago de Murcia (1673-1739): Folias Gallegas

Gaspar Sanz (1640-1710): Canarios – Lucas Ruiz de Ribayaz

Diego Ortiz (1510-1570): Passamezzo, Recercada segunda

Thoinot Arbeau (1519-1595)  Orchésographie (1589)”

          • Branle des chevaux
          • Branle  des lavandieres

John Playford (1623-1686/7) “The dancing master (1651)”

          • Stingo or the oil of barley
          • Epping forest
          • The merry milkmaids
          • Valient Jockey
          • Bobbing Joe
          • Mr. Isaac’s Maggot
          • Drive the cold winter away
          • Prince Rupert’s march
          • Paul’s Steeple
The show